Monday, February 7, 2011


....are the silent language of grief.  - Voltaire.

I found out over the weekend that a woman who had previously taught at my school passed away.  Cheryl had some medical problems (which caused her to take a hiatus from teaching) but in the past few months, her health was seeming to improve.  Cheryl left the world way too early, she wasn't even 55.  Rest in peace, Cheryl, you will be remembered always. 
I never had the chance to meet Cheryl, but I could tell today how much of an impact she has made on my co-workers' lives.  We had a morning meeting to discuss the events that had transpired over the weekend.  The school provided some "counselor" type people for grieving students and faculty.  It was a sad day with a lot of tears, hugs, and memories.  I chose this quote by Voltaire because I really didn't know what to say to the teachers in mourning.  I never knew Cheryl so I couldn't even put a face to a name today.  Instead, I just provided a shoulder to cry on and a friend to hug.  I hope I helped some of my co-workers get through the day, it was a difficult one.


Lindsey said...

Youre a good shoulder to cry on <3

Priscilla said...

I am sorry for your school family.